Monday, August 29, 2011

1 sentence summary

Bon Jovi- Its my life
Teenage boy
One sentence summary: Teenage boy faces many obstacles around town to get to girlfriend at live underground concert.

For the birds
Group of small birds on a wire
One sentence summary: A group of unfriendly little birds refuse to accept a larger individual who looks nothing like them, resulting in a feather ruffled situation.

Pixars knick knack
A lonely snowman in a glass
One sentence summary: A snowman tries to get to his friends who are on the other side of the glass, using many unorthodox methods along the way.

Flamingo- Fantasia
A yoyo-obsessed flamingo
One sentence summary: A group of flamingos have their figure dancing routine interrupted by a yoyo obsessed individual who refuses to conform to the norms, insisting on adding a yoyo twist to the routine.

Dino Fart
3 Creatures, a T-res, a little dinosaur and a pig
One sentence summary: 3 animals decide to have a farting competition after the t-rex lets loose a big one, ending with an unexpected result.

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